Economy, Market & Finance

Select Indicator Name Description Source Timeframe Publication Date Released Date
Exports of crude materials inedibles except fuels to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of liquid fund of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving liabilities foreign deposit of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Paid-up capital liabilities of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Fixed Capital Formation as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total receipts Nepal Rastra Bank
Cash in transit of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of manufactured goods classified mainly by materials to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Transaction days Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign liabilities of monetary authorities Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of public administration and defence Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of construction at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Claims of government enterprises on financial assets of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Private Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Primary income receivable at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Implicit Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Deflator of Tertiary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Total exports to India, Free on Board (f.o.b.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Taxes less subsidies on products at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Development bonds of Nepal Rastra Bank Nepal Rastra Bank
Policy Rates by Deposit Collection Rate (Corridor) Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in government securities Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of construction at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Imports of commodity and transaction not classified according to kind from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Balance on goods, services and income Nepal Rastra Bank
Arts, entertainment and recreation; Other service activities; and Activities of households as employers seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of development banks by non-government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of mining and quarrying Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Fishing seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of marble slab to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of agriculture and forestry at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Exports of live animals to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of fruit Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Financial claims on government enterprises Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of other commodities to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Travel receipts Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of finance companies by non-profit organizations Nepal Rastra Bank
Principal & Interest payments expenditures Nepal Rastra Bank
Annualised weighted average treasury bills of 182 days Nepal Rastra Bank
Total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at factor cost at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of goods and services as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Period-end exchange rate for selling Danish Kroner Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of cooperative institutions Cooperative Department
Other Services seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of chemicals and drugs to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Statistical Discrepancies at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Final private food consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Foreign employment bonds of Nepal Rastra Bank Nepal Rastra Bank
Accommodation and food service activities seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Mining and quarrying seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of recreation and culture Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Call deposit liabilities of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Net current transfer at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Per capita income Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Nepal Human Development Report. (Various Years).
Period-end exchange rate for selling Bahrain Dinar Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) licensed cooperatives Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of commercial banks by town, district and village development committees Nepal Rastra Bank
Total imports of miscellaneous manufactured articles Nepal Rastra Bank
Private remittance tranfers Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of miscellaneous manufactured articles from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of readymade garments to other countires Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of tobacco and beverage to other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government enterprises on total assets of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of crude soyabean oil from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Non-agriculture GDP at factor cost at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Government Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Capital account (capital transfer) Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of manufacturing at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of machinery and transport equipment from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Salary Index of private institutions officers Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Trade balance of China Nepal Rastra Bank
Monetary authority's account of capital and reserves Nepal Rastra Bank
Other reserves capital fund as sources of fund of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for buying Sriyal Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Savings at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Total liabilities deposit of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Net factor income at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Imports of aluminium scrap, flake, foil, bars, and rods from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Final Consumption Expenditure as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Saving deposit of commercial banks by non-government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Aid-imports Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of health Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Weighted average Treasury bills rate of 182 days Nepal Rastra Bank
Annualised weighted average treasury bills of 28 days Nepal Rastra Bank
Total exports, Free on Board (f.o.b.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Percapita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Uses of loans and advances by hire purchase of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Total savings deposit liabilities of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Export of food and live animals to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of other community, social and personal service activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Development bonds of government business enterprises Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of electricty gas and water Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Exports of vegetables to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Taxes on products at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Value Added (GVA) of education at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Foreign margin deposits liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Change in Reserve net Nepal Rastra Bank
Service loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for development banks Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Final private food consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Outstanding credit of finance companies in other agricultural products Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of finance companies by town, district and village developement committees Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by real estate activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Amount of deposit auction Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of tobacco from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of bitumen from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Other loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for development banks Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Claims of government on treasury coins of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Secondary sector at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Wage rate index of unskilled carpenter Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Intermediate consumption activities of fishing at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Real estate activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Agriculture loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for modern finance institute Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Tertiary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Overall interbank transaction amount Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of development banks by total Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for selling Swedish Kroner Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of paper and paper products Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Exports of other goods, free on board (f.o.b.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of noodles to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Total outstanding credit of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Amount of 14 days regular of repo auction Nepal Rastra Bank
Reserve assets Nepal Rastra Bank
Net exports of goods at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Salary Index of civil service officers Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Imports of toys from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Water supply; sewerage, waste management seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in wholesaler & retailers sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign employment bonds Nepal Rastra Bank
Total loans guaranteed by deposit and credit guarantee fund microfinance financial institutions to all sectors Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Current liabilities deposit of private sector of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of agriculture and forestry at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Net miscellaneous items Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in consumable loan Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for buying Thai Bhat Nepal Rastra Bank
Total exports of food and live animal Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of shares transacted Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of health and social work at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Public issues Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of major commodities to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Total other assets of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Sources/Uses of fund of Citizen Investment Trust Citizen Investment Trust
Consumer price index of health Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Taxes on products at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of manufacturing at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Outstanding credit of finance companies in mines sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross National Savings at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Exports of oil cakes to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Public administration and defence seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Total foreign exchange of monetary authority's account Nepal Rastra Bank
Total import at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of administrative and support service activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Claims on non-government financial institutions of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Tertiary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Foreign liabilities Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for selling Kuwaity Dinar Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of wholesale and retail trade at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Value Added (GVA) of public administration and defence; compulsory social security at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of non-agriculture at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Exports of textiles to India Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Direct investment in nepal Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of depositors in microfinance institutions Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Service loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for modern finance institute Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Private Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
National consumer price index of communication Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Imports of cuminseeds and peppers from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Net transfer of workers' remittances Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of hotels and restaurants at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Claims on non-government of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Grand total loans guaranteed by deposit and credit guarantee fund to all sectors Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Current liabilities deposit of private sector of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of development banks by non-government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Total foreign assets of other depository corporations Nepal Rastra Bank
Wage rate index of skilled carpenter Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Total money supply held by public Nepal Rastra Bank
Export under clearing a/c arrangements receipts Nepal Rastra Bank
Salary Index of private institutions Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Exports of g.i. pipe to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign bills purchased and discounted of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Quartely Gross Domestic Product seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in domestic bills purchased Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of human health and social work activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Non-financial claims on government of monetary authority's account Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of commercial banks by town, district and village development committees Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for selling Australian Dollar Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of other goods, free on board (f.o.b.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of construction Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Official capital net foreign loans Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign bills purchased and discounted of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Wage rate index of skilled construction labourer Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Claims of government enterprises on non-financial assets of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross National Income (GNI) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Information and communication seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for selling Thai Bhat Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of manufacturing at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Imports of sugar from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Total expenditures Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of agriculture, forestry and fishing at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Oughtright sale auction Nepal Rastra Bank
Nominal Percapita Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Imports of coal from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of writing and printing paper from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Quartely Gross Domestic Product seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Total savings deposit liabilities of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Trade credits of currency and deposits by Nepal Rastra Bank Nepal Rastra Bank
GDP Per capita Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Nepal Human Development Report. (Various Years).
Uses of loans and advances by employee loan of Employees Provident Fund Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Interest rate of 45 days regular of repo auction Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of miscellaneous goods and services Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Overall percentage change National consumer price index Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Intermediate consumption of wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of steel rod and sheet from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of miscellaneous goods and services Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Imports of zinc ingot from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in loans against export bills Nepal Rastra Bank
Savings liabilities deposit of private sector of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross output of accommodation and food service activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Value Added (GVA) of transport, storage and communications at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Period-end exchange rate for selling Hong Kong Dollar Nepal Rastra Bank
Other assets of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of dry cell battery from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of paper to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank
Percentage change of National consumer price index of food and beverages Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Saving deposit of finance companies by total Nepal Rastra Bank
Total cash in hand and balance with Nepal Rastra Bank of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Import of goods at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Transport, storage and communications seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of listed companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of copper wire rod,scrapes & sheets from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of raw wool from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of construction Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Capital Formation at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Secondary sector at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Net foreign assets of monetary authorities Nepal Rastra Bank
Margin deposit ratios of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in domestic bills purchased Nepal Rastra Bank
Total current deposit liabilities of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Income debit Nepal Rastra Bank
Money supply of Demand deposits held by government Nepal Rastra Bank
Final non-profit institutions serving households consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Total use of investment of Employees Provident Fund Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in production sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of tobacco and beverage to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of construction at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Payments of other transportation Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Primary sector at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross output of real estate, renting and business activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Wholesale and retail trade seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Total assets of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of medicine (ayurvedic) to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Monetary authority's account of currency held by private sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Human health and social work activities seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Manufacturing seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in overdrafts and guarantee Nepal Rastra Bank
Implicit Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Deflator of Secondary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Remittance receipts Nepal Rastra Bank
State Owned Enterprises Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Exports of others to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Final non-profit institutions serving households consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of gold from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of chemical fertilizer from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of construction at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Amount of 90 days of reverse repo regular Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of food Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Current transfers credit Nepal Rastra Bank
Other non-life insurance companies Insurance Board of Nepal.
Period-end exchange rate for selling S. Korean Won/100 Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of communication of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Number of depositors in finance companies Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Taxes less subsidies on production and imports at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Import of goods and nfs. at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Paid-up capital fund as sources of fund of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Total imports of commodity and transaction not classified according to kind Nepal Rastra Bank
Accommodation and food service activities seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government enterprises on total financial assets of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of public administration and defence at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Outstanding credit of development banks in other goods Nepal Rastra Bank
Domestic margin deposits liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims on government of monetary authority's account Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of investment by fixed deposits of Employees Provident Fund Nepal Rastra Bank
Total bonds & treasury bills of Nepal Rastra Bank Nepal Rastra Bank
Total investment Central Bureau of Statistics
Actual final consumption expenditure of household at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total imports of manufactured goods classified mainly by materials Nepal Rastra Bank
Water supply; sewerage, waste management seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at basic prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Exports of raw jute to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in consumable loan Nepal Rastra Bank
Rastra bank net issue of notes outside Nepal Rastra Bank Nepal Rastra Bank
Savings mobilization of cooperative institutions Cooperative Department
Percapita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Agriculture and forestry seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of salt from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of umbrella and parts from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of other community, social and personal service activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Transport, storage and communications seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Total bonds & treasury bills Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of public administration and defence at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross National Saving as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Net exports of goods and services at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
National saving bonds of financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of mining and quarrying at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Trade credit loans of other sectors by drawings Nepal Rastra Bank
Aggregate seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Outstanding credit of finance companies in miscellaneous Nepal Rastra Bank
Total Gross Value Added (GVA) including fisim at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Deposits as sources of fund of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Final consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of public administration and defence at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Balance on goods Nepal Rastra Bank
Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) bond of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in miscellaneous Nepal Rastra Bank
Indian excise refund Nepal Rastra Bank
Debentures Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of loans and advances by institutional & other loan of Employees Provident Fund Nepal Rastra Bank
Government deposits liablities of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Change in stock at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Imports of tello from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Wage rate index of male worker Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Gross Value Added (GVA) of construction at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Income credit Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of betelnut from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Net imports of services at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Other investment liabilities Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of fruit of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Net grants transfers Nepal Rastra Bank
Final private services consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total fixed liabilities deposit of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of flash light from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of readymade garments from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Nominal Percapita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of textile dyes from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
State Owned Enterprises Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Convertible foreign exchange of other depository corporations Nepal Rastra Bank
Final collective government consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Imports of transport equipment and parts from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of brooms to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Export of services at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Current deposit of development banks by total Nepal Rastra Bank
Agriculture loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for finance companies Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Imports of coal from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of education at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total liabilities of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Final private non-food consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Change in Reserves Net Nepal Rastra Bank
Education seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government on treasury bills of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Money supply of total Demand deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in jute and hessians Nepal Rastra Bank
Inter bank deposit of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of development banks by non-profit organizations Nepal Rastra Bank
Total foreign assets of monetary authority's account Nepal Rastra Bank
Agriculture, forestry and fishing seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Agriculture and forestry seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of human hair to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of agriculture and forestry at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles & motorcycles seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of taxes less subsidies on products at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Wage rate index of agricultural labourer Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Trade credit loans of General government by drawings Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of hotels and restaurants at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Value Added (GVA) of transportation and storage at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Current liabilities deposit of Inter-bank of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Net exports of goods at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Claims of government enterprises on total non-financial assets of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Other liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of commodity and transaction not classified according to kind to other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Total loans and advances amount ratio of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of public administration and defence; compulsory social security at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Uses of loans and advances by term loan of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of finance companies by individuals Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of electricty gas and water Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Saving liabilities foreign deposit of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of health and social work Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Private outward transfers Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of handicraft ( metal and wooden ) to other countires Nepal Rastra Bank
Monetary authority's account of government deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
Final private non-food consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Public administration and defence seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Health and social work seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of tea to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Total burrowing as sources of fund of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Net income Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of fastener from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of chemicals to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in transportation equipment production & fitting sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Float Index Nepal Rastra Bank
Borrowing from Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of petroleum products from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Capital liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Other loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for modern finance institute Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Wage rate index of skilled industrial labourer Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Paid-up capital liabilities of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Total assets of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of finance companies by town, district and village development committees Nepal Rastra Bank
Construction seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Total of capital account and current account Nepal Rastra Bank
National saving bonds Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross fixed public capital formation Central Bureau of Statistics
Manufacturing seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for buying Swedish Kroner Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Financial account excluding reserves and related items Nepal Rastra Bank
Total liquid assets amount ratio of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Memorandum item cash in transit of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of cinnamon to India Nepal Rastra Bank
General reserves liabilities of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of finance companies by non-government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Sources/Uses of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Taxes less subsidies on products at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Value Added (GVA) of education at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Change in stock of produced and semi produced goods at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Total liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of soyabean oil to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Construction seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of powder milk from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of transport equipments and parts Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in jute and hessians Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of bags from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of transacted securities Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of accommodation and food service activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Export of chemicals and drugs to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign liabilities of other depository corporations Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of tanned skin to other countires Nepal Rastra Bank
Salary Index of bank & financial institutions non-officers Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Amount of repo of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of synthetic & natural rubber from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Taxes less subsidies on production at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Consumer price index of clothes and footware Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Outstanding credit of development banks in export bills purchased Nepal Rastra Bank
Total capital and reserves liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Net foreign assets of other depository corporations Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of financial and insurance activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Demand deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
Total fixed liabilities deposit of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Change in stock of produced and semi produced goods at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of construction at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Amount of 7 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of pulses and legumes Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Professional, scientific and technical activities seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Salary Index of education non-officers Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Imports of cigarette paper from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of non-agriculture at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of trade, restaurants, and hotels Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of nonalcoholic drinks Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Exports of readymade garments to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Total liquid assets deposits ratio of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Total cash reserve deposits ratio of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Value Added (GVA) of real estate, renting and business activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Export of manufactured goods classified mainly by materials to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of information and communication at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
National wholesale price index of other Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Total loans guaranteed by deposit and credit guarantee fund commercial banks to all sectors Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Sources/Uses of fund of insurance companies Insurance Board of Nepal.
Gross operating surplus/mixed income at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Construction seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of cereal grains and their products of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Total deposits liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of hot rolled sheet in coil from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in service industries sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Development bonds of financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of electrical equipment from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for selling Malaysian Ringit Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of health and social work at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Fund collection as sources of fund of Citizen Investment Trust Citizen Investment Trust
Gross National Savings Central Bureau of Statistics
Total imports to China, Free on Board (f.o.b.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of profit & loss account of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Other life insurance companies Insurance Board of Nepal.
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by administrative and support service activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Intermediate consumption of construction at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Intermediate consumption of transportation and storage at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Financial intermediation seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Paid up value of listed shares Nepal Rastra Bank
Coins held by Nepal Rastra Bank Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Savings Central Bureau of Statistics
Current deposit ratios of commercial bank Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in non-government securities Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of ghee and oil Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of transport, communications and storages Nepal Rastra Bank
Loans against government securities of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Final individual government consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Current transfers payable at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in local government Nepal Rastra Bank
Professional, scientific and technical activities seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of agriculture equipment and parts from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Money supply of Demand deposits held by banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Currency held by public as percent of money supply Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of textiles from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of jute goods to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in transportation equipment production & fitting sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Coins in circulation outside Nepal Rastra Bank Nepal Rastra Bank
Final collective government consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Imports of readymade garments from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of finance companies by non-government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Capital mobilization Nepal Rastra Bank
Transport, storage and communications seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Annualised weighted average treasury bills of 364 days Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of restaurant and hotel of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Uses of investment by investment securities of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Total exports of machinery and transport equipment Nepal Rastra Bank
Total exports classified by major commodity groups Nepal Rastra Bank
Amount of 90 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of nepalese paper & paper products to other countires Nepal Rastra Bank
Amount in microfinance institutions Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of non-agriculture at factor cost Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of machinery and transport equipment from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in overdrafts and guarantee Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of furnishing and household equipment Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Total liabilities of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of finance companies by total Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of batica hair oil to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of readymade garments to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Percapita Gross National Income (GNI) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Uses of expenses not written off of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Other assets of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of commercial banks by non-government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output activities of fishing at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Period-end exchange rate for buying Singapore Dollar Nepal Rastra Bank
Final private consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Fixed deposit of development banks by government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of skin to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of fruits from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of goods, free on board (f.o.b.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Total liabilities deposit of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of Kathmandu valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Net Gross Domestic Product Central Bureau of Statistics
Gross output of construction at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Balance of Payments Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims on private sector of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of pashmina to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Current liabilities deposit of government of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of fixed assets of non-life of insurance companies Insurance Board of Nepal.
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by arts, entertainment and recreation; Other service activities; and Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Workers' Remittances as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Professional, scientific and technical activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Trade credit loans of other sectors by repayments Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of professional, scientific and technical activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of cement from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of modern manufacturing at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of loans and advances by government enterprises of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of development banks by town, district and village development committees Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Value Added (GVA) of electricty gas and water at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Fixed deposit of commercial banks by financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Total deposit ratios of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of financial and insurance activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Number of transaction Nepal Rastra Bank
Development bonds Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of manufactured goods classified mainly by materials from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of major and other commodities from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Other loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for commercial banks Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Current deposit of development banks by financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Total current deposit liabilities of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of oil, free on board (f.o.b.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of development banks by individuals Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in production sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Currency Nepal Rastra Bank
Amount of Overnight Liquidity Facility (OLF) Nepal Rastra Bank
Agriculture and forestry seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Education seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Base Rate Nepal Rastra Bank
Financial claims on government of monetary authority's account Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of financial & real estate at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of sugar and sugar products Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Deposits as sources of fund of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption electricty gas and water at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Payments of other services Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit ratios of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of information and communication at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Receipts of other transportation Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of community & social services at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of polythene granules from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
NEPSE Index Nepal Rastra Bank
Salary Index of army & police forces officers Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Foreign assets in Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of clove from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Savings liabilities deposit of private sector of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for buying Canadian Dollar Nepal Rastra Bank
Human health and social work activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Amount of 45 days regular of repo auction Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of development banks by foreign deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of Overnight Liquidity Facility (OLF) Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Tertiary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Paid-up capital liabilities of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Other assets of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Other services credit Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in finance, insurance & fixed assets sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of aluminium section to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Total cash reserve deposits ratio of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of professional, scientific and technical activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Salary Index of public corporations non-officers Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
National consumer price index of milk products and eggs Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Uses of investment by bank balance of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign fixed liabilities deposit of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of loans and advances by housing of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for selling Japanese Yen Nepal Rastra Bank
Currency in circulation outside Nepal Rastra Bank Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of development banks by non-government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of commercial banks by non-profit organizations Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of manufactured Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Monetary authority's account of foreign liabilities Nepal Rastra Bank
National saving bonds of provident funds Nepal Rastra Bank
Export of goods and nfs. at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Interest rate of 90 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Final private consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Per capita income in dollars Nepal Human Development Report. (Various Years).
Gross Value Added (GVA) of public administration and defence at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Imports of animal and vegetable oil and fats from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Total International reserves Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of dried ginger to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of development banks by total Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of public administration and defence at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Other assets Nepal Rastra Bank
Trade credits of currency and deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Saving as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of administrative and support service activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Domestic Demand deposits liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Net imports of goods at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Narrow money (M1) Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of major commodities from India Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of non-metalic mineral products Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Compensation of employees at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Special bonds of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Loans & advances of Citizen Investment Trust Citizen Investment Trust
National consumer price index of alcoholic drinks Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Consumer price index of housing and utilities Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Diplomatic missions receipts Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Annualised weighted average treasury bills of 91 days Nepal Rastra Bank
Financial intermediation seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Lending/Borrowing (Resource gap) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total sectorwise outstanding credit of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign currency in hand of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of chemicals and chemical products Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Other special bonds Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of noodles to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of administrative and support service activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Net import at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Government financial institutions claims of monetary authority's account Nepal Rastra Bank
Travel services Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of recreation and culture Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Hotels and restaurants seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of brans to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of mineral, fuels and lubricants from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims on private sector of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Total sectorwise outstanding credit of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of cereal grains and their products Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Total assets of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Amount of 7 days of reverse repo regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by manufacturing Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Retained earning capital fund as sources of fund of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Per capita income in rupees Nepal Human Development Report. (Various Years).
Other assets of monetary authority's account Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of pipe and pipe fittings from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of finance companies by town, district and village development committees Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Secondary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in loans against export bills Nepal Rastra Bank
Domestic other liabilities of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of wholesale and retail trade at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Salary Index of education Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Imports of button from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of vegetables Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Imports under clearing a/c arrangements expenditures Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of total Gross Value Added (GVA) including Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
National wholesale price index of fuel and power Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Sources/Uses of fund of Employees Provident Fund Nepal Rastra Bank
Ratio of market capitalization to Gross Domestic Product Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of financial intermediation at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Period-end exchange rate for buying Indian Rupees Nepal Rastra Bank
Total cash in hand and balance with Nepal Rastra Bank of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of trade at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Mining and quarrying seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of development banks by individuals Nepal Rastra Bank
Balance held abroad of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross National Saving as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Paid-up value of listed shares Nepal Rastra Bank
Total exports of chemicals and drugs Nepal Rastra Bank
Sensitive Share Price Index Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of spices Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Imports of chemical from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Balances with foreign banks of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Manufacturing seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of machinery and transport equipment to other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Electricity gas and water seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of real estate activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Claims of government on treasury bills of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government enterprises on non-financial assets of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Salary Index of non-officers Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of less imputed value of banking service Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of furnishing and household equipment Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Other imports expenditures Nepal Rastra Bank
Current liabilities deposit of Inter-bank of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of education at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Borrowings from Nepal Rastra Bank of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Receipts of freight on merchandise Nepal Rastra Bank
Final government consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Exports of other commodities to other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims on private sector of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Salary Index of civil service non-officers Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Imports of xray film from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Reconciliation account as sources of fund of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of other machinery and parts from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of finance companies by financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Wage rate index of female agricultural labourer Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Subsidies on products at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Net foreign assets Nepal Rastra Bank
Other treasury bills Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of investment by others of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Total exports of tobacco and beverage Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims on non-government financial institutions of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of mining and quarrying at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in other sectors Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign fixed deposits liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Change in net foreign assets Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of agriculture and forestry at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Total imports of food and live animals Nepal Rastra Bank
Total capital fund as sources of fund of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Call deposit liabilities of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Total deposit ratios of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Real estate activities seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Use of fund credit and loans Nepal Rastra Bank
Import of services at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Borrowings from Nepal Rastra Bank of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of development banks by individuals Nepal Rastra Bank
Final government consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total exports of miscellaneous manufactured articles Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of total loans and advances of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in other foreign bills purchased Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of medical equipments & tools from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of aircraft spareparts from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Salary Index of army & police forces Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Annual growth rates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Secondary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
National consumer price index of tobacco products Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Imports of shoes and sandals from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for buying Danish Kroner Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of goods and services as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of shoes and sandles from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Government services debit Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of restaurant and hotel Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Number of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) licensed NGOs Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government enterprises on total assets of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gold of monetary authority's account Nepal Rastra Bank
Wage rate index of worker Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Imports of office equipments & stationary from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Total loans and advances amount ratio of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of development banks by non-profit organizations Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of fastener from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of mining and quarrying at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Claims of government enterprises on financial assets of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Percapita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Nominal Percapita Gross National Income (GNI) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Total exports of commodity and transaction not classified according to kind Nepal Rastra Bank
Amount of 28 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Other community, social and personal service activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Total claims on private sector of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of clothes and footware Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Current liabilities deposit of Inter-bank of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Margin deposit ratios of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Government deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
Paid-up capital value of listed shares Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of shoes and sandals from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Period average exchange rate for buying US Dollar Nepal Rastra Bank
Monetary authority's account of deposits of private sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government enterprises on total assets of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of food and beverages Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Imports of tea from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Investment income of services Nepal Rastra Bank
Other total bonds & treasury bills Nepal Rastra Bank
Nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Saving deposit of commercial banks by non-profit organizations Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of m.s. billet from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of wholesale and retail trade at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of financial intermediation Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Imports of m.s. wire rod, bars, coils from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of public administration and defence Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Period-end exchange rate for buying Japanese Yen Nepal Rastra Bank
Citizen savings bonds persoanal area 9 Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of arts, entertainment and recreation; other service activities; and activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Weighted average Treasury bills rate of 91 days Nepal Rastra Bank
Paid-up capital as sources of fund of Citizen Investment Trust Citizen Investment Trust
Other community, social and personal service activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Total outstanding credit of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of ghee and oil Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Other assets of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Travel services debit Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of restaurants, & hotels at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of metal and wooden furniture from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Receipts of transfers Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of wire products from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Other uses of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Net exports of goods and services at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Transportation and storage seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of professional, scientific and technical activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Value Added (GVA) of health and social work at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Interest rate of 7 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of professional, scientific and technical activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Agriculture and forestry seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of biscuits to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of investment of non-life of insurance companies Insurance Board of Nepal.
Current deposit of development banks by government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Primary sector at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Consumer price index of vegetables of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Exports of rosin to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of non-alcoholic drinks of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Margin liabilities deposit of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for buying Pound Sterling Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of trade, restaurants, & hotels at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of finance companies by non-profit organizations Nepal Rastra Bank
Manufacturing seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Actual final consumption expenditure of household at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Exports of sackings to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Net transfers Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of baby food and milk products from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of animal and vegetable oil and fats from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of real estate, renting and business activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total liabilities deposit of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of 10 days of reverse repo regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Notes and coins with Nepal Rastra Bank of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of crude palm oil from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Total cash reserve amount ratio of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Net export at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Financial and insurance activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of food and live animal to other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Notes held by Nepal Rastra Bank Nepal Rastra Bank
Central government transfer payments Nepal Rastra Bank
Other exports receipts Nepal Rastra Bank
Implicit Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Deflator Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Exports of nepalese paper and paper products to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Subsidies on products at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of molasses sugar from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Construction seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of food and live animals from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Special bonds Nepal Rastra Bank
Percapita Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total imports classified by major commodity groups from India Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of spices Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
General reserves liabilities of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Development bonds of provident funds Nepal Rastra Bank
Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Savings liabilities deposit of private sector of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Total exports classified by major commodity groups to other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government on special bonds of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Other services Nepal Rastra Bank
Citizen savings bonds of NRB(secondary market) Nepal Rastra Bank
National saving bonds of insurance corporation Nepal Rastra Bank
Broad money Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign other liabilities of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Final non-profit institutions serving households consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Convertible International reserves Nepal Rastra Bank
Other assets of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in finance, insurance & fixed assets sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Salary Index of public corporations officers Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Imports of enamel and other paints from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) activities of fishing at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of agriculture and forestry Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Electricity gas and water seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Fishing seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Weighted average Treasury bills rate of 364 days Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of steel rod & sheet from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Human health and social work activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of education Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Service loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for commercial banks Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Gross National Saving at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Policy Rates by Bank Rate Nepal Rastra Bank
Agriculture, forestry and fishing seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of development banks by others Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of transportation and storage at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Foreign call deposits liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross fixed capital formation at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Imports of medicine from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Mining and quarrying seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Compensation of employees at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Inconvertible foreign exchange of other depository corporations Nepal Rastra Bank
Trade credit loans of General government Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of major commodities from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of nigerseed to other countires Nepal Rastra Bank
Electricity gas and water seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Citizens unitary plan Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in other agricultural products Nepal Rastra Bank
Other assets of Citizen Investment Trust Citizen Investment Trust
Current account balance Nepal Rastra Bank
Net exports of services at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Current deposit of finance companies by non-government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of transportation and storage Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Share capital of cooperative institutions Cooperative Department
Current deposit of finance companies by government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Trade credit loans of General government by repayments Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of construction at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Uses of other assets of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of real estate, renting and business activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of arts, entertainment and recreation; other service activities; and activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total export at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Current deposit of commercial banks by commercial banks (inter-bank deposits) Nepal Rastra Bank
Paid-up capital liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Wage rate index of semi-skilled industrial labourer Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Uses of loans and advances by leasing of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in metal productions,machinery & electrical tools & fitting sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Private sector fixed liabilities deposit of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of alcoholic drinks of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Mining and quarrying seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Total exports to China, Free on Board (f.o.b.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Paid-up capital of life as sources of fund of insurance companies Insurance Board of Nepal.
Imports of other machinery and parts from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of development banks by government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Loans liabilities Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of goods, free on board (f.o.b.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Reserve/fund of life of as sources of fund of insurance companies Insurance Board of Nepal.
Consumer price index of pulses and legumes of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Weighted average interbank transaction amount Nepal Rastra Bank
Total imports of machinery and transport equipment Nepal Rastra Bank
Investment income receipts Nepal Rastra Bank
Central government net transfers Nepal Rastra Bank
Miscellaneous expenditures Nepal Rastra Bank
Total imports to India, Free on Board (f.o.b.) Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of restaurant and hotel Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Wage rate index of female worker Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Interest rate of outright purchase auction Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of financial and insurance activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Fixed deposit of commercial banks by foreign deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of transport equip.& parts from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for buying Swiss Franc Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of development banks by others Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of mining and quarrying at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of less imputed value of banking service at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Administrative and support service activities seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government enterprises on non-financial assets of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Import of goods, Cost Insurance and Freight (c.i.f.) Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of basic metals Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in construction sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of finance companies by financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Private gross fixed capital formation at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Exports of catechue to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in other goods Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross fixed private capital formation Central Bureau of Statistics
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in house and land as percent of total credit Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of tobacco products of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Gross Capital Formation at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Consumer price index of communication Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Net claims on government Nepal Rastra Bank
Percentage of transaction in market capitalization Nepal Rastra Bank
Non-financial claims on government enterprises Nepal Rastra Bank
Balances with foreign banks of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Wage rate index of mason construction labourer Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Uses of total investment of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Final private non-food consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Real estate, renting and business activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of construction Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Annual growth rates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Tertiary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Net current transfers at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at basic prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Number of commerical banks Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Amount in development banks Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Imports of dry cell battery from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Saving at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Imports of bags from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of medical equipment and tools from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of glasswares from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for selling Singapore Dollar Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of real estate activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Manufacturing seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Payments of services Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross National Product at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Exports of woolen carpet to other countires Nepal Rastra Bank
Reserve fund as sources of fund of Citizen Investment Trust Citizen Investment Trust
Miscellaneous receipts Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of textiles from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of private sector on principal of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Real estate activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Other Domestic liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Public administration and defence seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of commercial banks by foreign deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of ghee (clarified) to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Call deposit liabilities of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of aluminium bars, rod and profile from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by mining and quarrying Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Financial and insurance activities seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Weighted Average Deposit Rate Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) activities of fishing at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Domestic other liabilities of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output at basic prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles & motorcycles seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Sources/Uses of Microfinance financial Institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of copper wire rod to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of other community, social and personal service activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Outstanding credit of finance companies in local government Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of manufacturing at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
General Government Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total savings deposit liabilities of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of outright sale auction Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for middle US Dollar Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in consumable loan Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in import bills and Letter of Credit (L/C) Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Primary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of shoes and sandles to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of mining and quarrying at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Annual growth rates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Secondary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Intermediate consumption by industrial divisionof mining and quarrying at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Fixed deposit ratios of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of synthetic carpet from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of petroleum products from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of video television & parts from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of miscellaneous manufactured articles from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of incense sticks from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of agriculture, forestry and fishing at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Amount in commerical banks Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Education seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Other funds liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of public administration and security at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of food and beverages of Kathmandu valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
National wholesale price index of primary Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Private sector fixed liabilities deposit of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of accommodation and food service activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Foreign bills purchased and discounted of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in transportation, communications & public services sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit ratios of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign fixed liabilities deposit of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Money supply of currency held by banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
National consumer price index of fruit Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Private sector credit Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of commercial banks by total Nepal Rastra Bank
Non-aid imports Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of non banking assets of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of human health and social work activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Current deposit of commercial banks by others Nepal Rastra Bank
Total imports classified by major commodity groups from other countires Nepal Rastra Bank
Education seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of commercial banks by non-profit organizations Nepal Rastra Bank
Taxes less subsidies on products at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Other Depository Corporation (ODCs) deposits liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of pipe and pipe fittings from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by accommodation and food service activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of mining and quarrying Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of transport, storage and communications Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross output of agriculture, forestry and fishing at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Current deposit of commercial banks by town, district and village development committees Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in cloth and yarn Nepal Rastra Bank
Salary Index of public corporations Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Education seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Trade balance of India Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Notes in circulation outside Nepal Rastra Bank Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for buying US Dollar Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of twines to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Transport, storage and communications seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of fund of investment by call money of Citizen Investment Trust Citizen Investment Trust
Imports of manufactured goods classified mainly by materials from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of readymade leather goods to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of turpentine to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of camera from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Final individual government consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Imports of raw silk from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Auction bid amount Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in government securities Nepal Rastra Bank
Period average exchange rate for middle US Dollar Nepal Rastra Bank
Actual final consumption expenditure of household at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Uses of reconcillation account of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Development bonds of individuals Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of turmeric to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Real estate, renting and business activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of major commodities to other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Overall weighted average interbank rate Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of commercial banks by others Nepal Rastra Bank
Total assets of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of agriculture at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of insecticides from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Current liabilities foreign deposit of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of loans & advances by institutional of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Special bonds of Nepal Rastra Bank Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of development banks by town, district and village development committees Nepal Rastra Bank
Net imports of services at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Final government consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Total imports classified by major commodity groups Nepal Rastra Bank
Other services debit Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of education Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of public administration and defence; compulsory social security Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in gold & silver Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for selling Indian Rupees Nepal Rastra Bank
Resource Gap as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Total exports of animal and vegetable oil and fats Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for buying Australian Dollar Nepal Rastra Bank
Weighted average Treasury bills rate of 28 days Nepal Rastra Bank
Amount of outright sale auction Nepal Rastra Bank
Total imports of animal and vegetable oil and fats Nepal Rastra Bank
Official capital net foreign direct investment Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of investment by share & other investment of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims on private sector of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of other community, social and personal service activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Export of miscellaneous manufactured articles to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Accommodation and food service activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Total imports classified by major commodity groups from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of development banks by commercial banks (inter-bank deposits) Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of construction material Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Net import at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Consumer price index of miscellaneous goods and services of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at basic prices at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by transportation and storage Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Period-end exchange rate for buying Kuwaity Dinar Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of 14 days regular of repo auction Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of financial intermediation at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Exports of chemicals and drugs to other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in agriculture sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of finance companies by foreign deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
Final individual government consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Profit and Loss account as sources of fund of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of Financial intermediation services indirectly measured (fisim) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Exports of miscellaneous manufactured articles to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of 60 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of wheat products from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Treasury bills Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Saving at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Information and communication seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of finance companies by commercial banks (inter-bank deposits) Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Primary sector at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of manufacturing Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Foreign Exchange Reserve Nepal Rastra Bank
Paid-up capital fund as sources of fund of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of insurance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of other commodities from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Total import at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Fishing seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign assets in balances held abroad of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of pulses and legumes Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Inconvertible foreign exchange of monetary authorities Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims on non-government financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of wholesale and retail trade at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Hotels and restaurants seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of silverware and jewelleries to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of other community, social and personal service activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Electricity gas and water seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign Demand deposits liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of cooperative institution members Cooperative Department
Percapita Gross National Income (GNI) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in loan against domestic bills Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in other foreign bills purchased Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of agriculture, forestry and fishing at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Monetary authority's account of currency held by Other Depository Corporation (ODCs) Nepal Rastra Bank
Inter bank deposit of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Total foreign assets of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of housing and utilities Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Transportation and storage seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Salary Index of officers Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Refinance Rates by Special Refinance Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in domestic bills purchased Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of machinery and transport equipment to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of non-alcoholic drinks Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Gross Value Added (GVA) of administrative and support service activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
General reserves liabilities of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Capital Formation at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Exports of m.s. pipe to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of hotels and restaurants Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Value Added (GVA) of financial intermediation at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Period-end exchange rate for buying Qriyal Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of palm oil from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Total imports of chemicals and drugs Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of 7 days of reverse repo regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Net domestic assets Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of goods and services as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Outstanding credit of development banks in finance, insurance & fixed assets sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of agriculture, forestry and fishing Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Uses of investment by government securities of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Total private consumption at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Intermediate consumption of other community, social and personal service activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Period-end exchange rate for selling Sriyal Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of glass sheet and glass wares from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Human health and social work activities seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of pipe and pipe fittings from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Other transfers Nepal Rastra Bank
Ordinary shares Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of commercial banks by total Nepal Rastra Bank
Statistical Discrepancies at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Uses of fund of investment by fixed deposit of Citizen Investment Trust Citizen Investment Trust
Private inward transfers Nepal Rastra Bank
Total consumption at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Foreign fixed liabilities deposit of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit ratios of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of electrical goods from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of alcoholic drinks Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Consumer price index of spices of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Consumer price index of health of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Claims on private sector of monetary authority's account Nepal Rastra Bank
Weighted average interbank transaction annual rate Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of m.s. billet from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Period average exchange rate for selling US Dollar Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of agriculture, forestry and fishing at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at producers' prices Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of rubber and plastics products Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Total cash reserve amount ratio of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Memorandum item cash in transit of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of public administration and defence; compulsory social security at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of commodity and transaction not classified according to kind from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Total loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund to industry sector Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Amount of 7 days regular of repo auction Nepal Rastra Bank
Final private food consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Official net capital Nepal Rastra Bank
Receipts of services Nepal Rastra Bank
Total liquid assets deposits ratio of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Total use of loans and advances of Employees Provident Fund Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of hotels and restaurants at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of electricity,gas & water at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of chemicals and drugs from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of fixed assets of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Public administration and defence seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of accommodation and food service activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Uses of loans and advances by others of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Payments of transfers Nepal Rastra Bank
Final collective government consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by financial and insurance activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Services credit Nepal Rastra Bank
Call deposit ratios of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of g.i.wire from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Total of capital account,current account,financial account and miscellaneous items Nepal Rastra Bank
Government Securities Treasury bills of 28 days Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of glasswares from China Nepal Rastra Bank
National saving bonds of non-profit organization Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of investment by share of Employees Provident Fund Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of other stationaries from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Import of services at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of camera from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Refinance Rates by export credit in foreign currency Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of p.v.c. compound from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Balance on goods and services Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in other sectors Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by agriculture, forestry and fishing Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Claims of government on development bonds of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of investment by government securities of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign assets Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of wheat flour to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in machinery Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of education at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Government Securities Treasury bills of 364 days Nepal Rastra Bank
Construction seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of vegetables from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Total liabilities deposits of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of live animals from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Implicit Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Deflator of Primary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Wage rate index of carpenter Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Consumer price index of milk products and eggs of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Fixed deposit of development banks by financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign notes and coins of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Current transfers receivable at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Claims of government on total assets of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of fishing Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Administrative and support service activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Total fixed liabilities deposit of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Borrowing from others as sources of fund of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output electricty gas and water at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Wage rate index of industrial labourer Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Period-end exchange rate for buying Chinese Yuan Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output at basic prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Value Added (GVA) of education at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Claims on commercial banks of monetary authority's account Nepal Rastra Bank
Government services credit, Non-Interest Expense (n.i.e.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of vegetables Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Consumer price index of non-food and services of Kathmandu valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of transport, communication and storage at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Total current deposit liabilities of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign exchange purchase Nepal Rastra Bank
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total cash reserve amount ratio of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of ricebran oil to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in production sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Wholesale and retail trade seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Final government consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Foreign saving deposits liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Fixed deposit of development banks by others Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of repo Nepal Rastra Bank
Percapita Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Value Added (GVA) of information and communication at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Transportation services debit Nepal Rastra Bank
Total loans and advances deposits ratio of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Period-end exchange rate for selling QRiyal Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of vehicles and spare parts from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Trade credits assets Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed assests of Employees Provident Fund Nepal Rastra Bank
Net transfer of other Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of soap to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Total sectorwise outstanding credit of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Savings deposit ratios of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Net exports of goods and services at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Number of microfinance institutions Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Real estate, renting and business activities seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Net export at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of chemical from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Development bonds of private business enterprises Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of animal and vegetable oil and fats from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of hotels and restaurants Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
National saving bonds of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of leather and leather products Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Claims of government on total assets of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Total imports of mineral, fuels and lubricants Nepal Rastra Bank
Treasury bills of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims on private sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of finance companies by foreign deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
International reserves of foreign exchange Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of electric and electronic products Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Information and communication seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of finance companies by government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Salary Index of civil service Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Current deposit of development banks by foreign deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of agriculture, forestry and fishing at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Consumer price index of transportation Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in miscellaneous Nepal Rastra Bank
Amount of 29 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Current liabilities deposit of government of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of agriculture, fisheries and forestry Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of raw cotton from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Tourist income receipts Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for selling Chinese Yuan Nepal Rastra Bank
Salary Index of bank & financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Development bonds of non-profit organization Nepal Rastra Bank
Money supply Nepal Rastra Bank
Construction seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Financial and insurance activities seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Total other liabilities of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Amount of 15 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of parafin wax from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Total other liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of listed securities Nepal Rastra Bank
Export of animal and vegetable oil and fats to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of 29 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of education of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Imports of food and live animal from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in construction sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Industry loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for finance companies Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Borrowing from commercial bank as sources of fund of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of commodity and transaction not classified according to kind from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Total exports of major commodities to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Other sources of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at producers' prices at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of real estate, renting and business activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Invisible receipts Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of community & social services by external sector at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of development banks by non-profit organizations Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of cooking stove and parts from India Nepal Rastra Bank
International reserves of gold Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign deposits liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of construction at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Total bonds & treasury bills of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Liquid fund of Employees Provident Fund Nepal Rastra Bank
National saving bonds of private business enterprises Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of 15 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Wage rate index of construction labourer Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of real estate activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
General Government Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Consumer price index of recreation and culture of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Imports of small cardamom from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Total number of depositors Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Imports of other commodities from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of chemical fertilizer from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign notes and coins of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of agriculture, fisheries & forestry at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of cash & bank balance of non-life of insurance companies Insurance Board of Nepal.
Total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at factor cost Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of listed companies for secondary market Nepal Rastra Bank
Total imports of tobacco and beverages Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of handicraft goods to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of chemicals and drugs from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Implicit Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Deflator of Secondary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Health and social work seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of commercial banks by total Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of depositors of development banks Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of other community, social and personal service activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Resource Gap as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Period-end exchange rate for selling US Dollar Nepal Rastra Bank
Market capitalization as percent of GDP Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of fishing at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Travel services credit Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of commercial banks by government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of health and social work at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
National consumer price index of food and beverages Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in cloth and yarn Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of meat and fish Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Exports of major commodities to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of hessian to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Total foreign assets of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of chemical fertilizer from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Statistical Discrepancies as percentage of GDP at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Exports of cattlefeed to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of real estate activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Consumer price index of sugar and sugar products Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Interest rate of deposit auction Nepal Rastra Bank
Domestic other liabilities of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in gold & silver Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of plastic utensils to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Total loans and advances deposits ratio of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Quartely Gross Domestic Product seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Receipts of other services Nepal Rastra Bank
Total foreign assets of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of commercial banks by non-government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Total burrowing as sources of fund of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of association of capital mobilizers Nepal Rastra Bank
Sources/Uses of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of commercial banks by others Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of non-food Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Intermediate consumption of administrative and support service activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Other sources of fund of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Period-end exchange rate for selling Euro Nepal Rastra Bank
Reserve fund liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Auction amount offered for fresh Nepal Rastra Bank
Workers' Remittances as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross fixed capital formation Central Bureau of Statistics
Public gross fixed capital formation at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Services debit Nepal Rastra Bank
Overall National salary and wage rate index Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Imports of tyre,tubes and flapes from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of loans & advances by individual of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in government securities Nepal Rastra Bank
Taxes less subsidies on products at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Outstanding credit of finance companies in loans against export bills Nepal Rastra Bank
Borrowings from Nepal Rastra Bank of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Nominal Percapita Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of non-agriculture at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of alluminium, copper and brass utensil to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Borrowing from Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) as sources of fund of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Government payments receipts, Non-Interest Expense (n.i.e.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Total exports classified by major commodity groups to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Taxes less subsidies on products Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Rights shares Nepal Rastra Bank
Total capital fund as sources of fund of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in rice and paddy Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for buying Bahrain Dinar Nepal Rastra Bank
Development bonds of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Current liabilities deposit of government of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
General reserve capital fund as sources of fund of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Inter bank deposit of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Total loans guaranteed by deposit and credit guarantee fund development banks to all sectors Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Exports of other handicraft goods to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign aid receipts Nepal Rastra Bank
Water supply; sewerage, waste management seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Loan investment of cooperative institutions Cooperative Department
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in machinery Nepal Rastra Bank
Salary Index Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Consumer price index of ghee and oil of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Export of crude materials inedibles except fuels to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of transport, storage and communications at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Interbank Rate Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of handicraft ( metal and wooden ) to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of real estate, renting and business activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Imports of other commodities from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Primary sector at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Exports of polyster yarn to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of information and communication at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of other stationary goods from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of manufactured goods classified mainly by materials to other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of finance companies Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by education Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Government Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Value Added (GVA) of non-agriculture at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of information and communication Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of raw wool from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims on non-government financial institutions of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Savings deposit ratios of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government enterprises on total non-financial assets of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Oughtright purchase auction Nepal Rastra Bank
Current liabilities foreign deposit of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Money supply of Demand deposits held by public Nepal Rastra Bank
Other investment assets Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of manufacturing at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Salary Index of bank & financial institutions officers Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Inconvertible International reserves Nepal Rastra Bank
Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) by commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of mustard & linseed to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Percapita Gross National Income (GNI) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in house and land Nepal Rastra Bank
Central Government Indian excise refund Nepal Rastra Bank
Total seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of finance companies by government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Wholesale and retail trade seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of mineral, fuels and lubricants to other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Fixed Capital Formation as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Wage rate index of high skilled industrial labourer Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Gross output of mining and quarrying at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of cosmetic goods from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Hotels and restaurants seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Total number of institutions Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Gross Value Added (GVA) of transportation and storage at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of crude materials inedibles except fuels from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Monetary authority's account of other liabilities Nepal Rastra Bank
Total Number of Banking and Financial Institutions (BFI) Nepal Rastra Bank
Final private food consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Outstanding credit of development banks in rice and paddy Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of wholesale and retail trade Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of services at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in service industries sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Other uses of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of food, beverage and tobacco Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Exports of readymade leather goods to other countires Nepal Rastra Bank
Other Services seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/02
Exports of agarbatti to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Surplus or Deficit Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in transportation equipment production & fitting sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government on development bonds of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Auction amount accepted Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of coconut oil from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross development product at market prices Nepal Human Development Report. (Various Years).
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at basic prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Refinance Rates by General Refinance Nepal Rastra Bank
Other foreign assets of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Current Account Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of writing & printing paper from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of finance companies by others Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of financial and real estate Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Uses of investment by pokhara awas of Employees Provident Fund Nepal Rastra Bank
Total net foreign assets of other depository corporations Nepal Rastra Bank
Travel payments Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of public administration and defence; compulsory social security at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in export bills purchased Nepal Rastra Bank
Total liquid funds of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign assets in gold and coins of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of commercial banks by individuals Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of arts, entertainment and recreation; other service activities; and activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Outstanding credit of development banks in gold & silver Nepal Rastra Bank
Net exports of services at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of tobacco and beverage from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of finance companies by others Nepal Rastra Bank
Other community, social and personal service activities Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of medicine from India Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of wood and wood products Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Total loans and advances deposits ratio of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Current liabilities foreign deposit of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of miscellaneous manufactured articles from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of 14 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Primary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of major commodities from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Borrowing from commercial bank as sources of fund of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of transport, storage and communications at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Fixed deposit of finance companies by others Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of solar panel from China Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of cereal grains and their products Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of public administration and defence; compulsory social security at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Amount of 14 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
National saving bonds of Nepal Rastra Bank Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of commodity and transaction not classified according to kind to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Trade credits liabilities Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of transportation Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Gross operating surplus/mixed income at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Intermediate consumption of financial intermediation at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of human health and social work activities, other service activities and at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Amount of outright purchase auction Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in loan against domestic bills Nepal Rastra Bank
Current liabilities deposit of private sector of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of crude materials inedibles except fuels from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Private sector deposits liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
General reserve capital fund as sources of fund of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Other reserves capital fund as sources of fund of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of arts, entertainment and recreation; other service activities; and activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Other non-life as sources of fund of insurance companies Insurance Board of Nepal.
Saving deposit of development banks by financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Total loans and advances amount ratio of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Actual final consumption expenditure of household at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Uses of liquid fund of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Invisible expenditures Nepal Rastra Bank
Total sources of fund of Employees Provident Fund Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of administrative and support service activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Value Added (GVA) of information and communication at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of fishing Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Primary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Export of commodity and transaction not classified according to kind to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Preferential shares Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of ownership of resident at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Money supply of currency held by government Nepal Rastra Bank
Wage rate index of male agricultural labourer Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Aggregate seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in transportation, communications & public services sector Nepal Rastra Bank
International reserves of SDRS (special drawing rights) Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of human health and social work activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of threads from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Reserve/fund of non-life of as sources of fund of insurance companies Insurance Board of Nepal.
Total claims on government enterprises of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Private Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Transportation and storage seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of professional, scientific and technical activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of dry cell battery from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Secondary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Period-end exchange rate for selling Canadian Dollar Nepal Rastra Bank
Other assets of Employees Provident Fund Nepal Rastra Bank
Development bonds of others Nepal Rastra Bank
Taxes less subsidies on production and imports at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Saving deposit of commercial banks by financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of meat and fish Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Imports of door locks from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign bills of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Government Securities Treasury bills of 182 days Nepal Rastra Bank
Export of tobacco and beverage to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Domestic credit Nepal Rastra Bank
Health and social work seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of tea to other countires Nepal Rastra Bank
Industry loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for commercial banks Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank
Other loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for finance companies Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Borrowing from others as sources of fund of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Change in stock of produced and semi produced goods at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of steel sheet from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government enterprises on total financial assets of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Percapita Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Uses of total loans & advances of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Paid-up capital of non-life as sources of fund of insurance companies Insurance Board of Nepal.
Government Securities T-bills 91 days Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in loan against domestic bills Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of herbs to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Final private non-food consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross output of agriculture and forestry at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Real estate, renting and business activities seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Remittances Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in agriculture sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in house and land Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of accommodation and food service activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Share transaction value Nepal Rastra Bank
Percentage change of National consumer price index of non-food and services Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Exports of vegetables to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of musical instruments, parts and accessories to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of financial and insurance activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of m.s. wire rod from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of sugar and sugar products of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Exports of crude materials inedibles except fuels to other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Domestic call deposits liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of private sector on interest accrued of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of stone and sand to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of mining & quarrying at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Total trade balance Nepal Rastra Bank
Hotels and restaurants seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government on treasury bills of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of finance companies by individuals Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in service industries sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Water supply; sewerage, waste management seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of mineral, fuels and lubricants from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in construction sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of wholesale and retail trade Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Period-end exchange rate for selling Pound Sterling Nepal Rastra Bank
Other services expenditures Nepal Rastra Bank
Implicit Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Deflator Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Export of goods at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
National saving bonds of government business enterprises Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for selling Swiss Franc Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of commercial banks by foreign deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of pulses to other countires Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of investment by money at call of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of hotels and restaurants at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Final collective government consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Number of development banks Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Secondary sector at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by professional, scientific and technical activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Salary Index of army & police forces non-officers Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Imports of crude materials inedibles except fuels from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Total resources available/uses at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of manufacturing Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of animal and vegetable oil and fats to other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of parafin wax from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles & motorcycles seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Primary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in agriculture sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Final private services consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of food and live animal from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of goods and services as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total liquid assets amount ratio of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government on loans and advances of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of garlic from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Salary Index of private institutions non-officers Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Export of services at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
National wholesale price index of textiles Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Borrowing from Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) as sources of fund of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Total imports from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Diplomatic missions expenditures Nepal Rastra Bank
Final private services consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Total loans guaranteed by deposit and credit guarantee fund to agriculture sector Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of community & social services by government at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of oil, free on board (f.o.b.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of investment by government securities of Employees Provident Fund Nepal Rastra Bank
Final individual government consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in non-government securities Nepal Rastra Bank
Reserve tranche position of monetary authority's account Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of manufactured goods classified mainly by materials from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of ghee (vegetable) to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of domestic manufacturing at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Total imports of crude materials inedibles except fuels Nepal Rastra Bank
Treasury bills of Nepal Rastra Bank Nepal Rastra Bank
Administrative and support service activities seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Liquid fund of Citizen Investment Trust Citizen Investment Trust
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in mines sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Investment income payments Nepal Rastra Bank
Call deposit ratios of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of palm oil to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign Direct Investment Nepal Rastra Bank
Call deposit ratios of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of pashmina to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of herbs to other countires Nepal Rastra Bank
Citizen savings bonds Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of real estate activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Intermediate consumption of manufacturing at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Primary income payable at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Other liabilities and provision as sources of fund of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in wholesaler & retailers sector Nepal Rastra Bank
General reserves liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of education Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Total loans guaranteed by deposit and credit guarantee fund finance companies to all sectors Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Money supply of currency held by public Nepal Rastra Bank
Reserves and related items Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in transportation, communications & public services sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of 14 days of reverse repo regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of commercial banks by government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Other foreign liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of fund of investment by share and debenture of Citizen Investment Trust Citizen Investment Trust
Imports of tyre, tubes and flapes from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of tobacco and beverages from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Memorandum item cash in transit of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of agriculture, forestry and fishing at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Final non-profit institutions serving households consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Accommodation and food service activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of manufacturing Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Merchandise imports expenditures Nepal Rastra Bank
Time deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
Trading turnover Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of mineral, fuels and lubricants to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign other liabilities of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of meat and fish of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by construction Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Other liabilities Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross National Saving at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of agriculture and forestry Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Imports of welding rods from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Trade balance Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of seasoning powder and flavour for instant noodles from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of edible oil from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Nepal Rastra Bank reserve assets Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of construction at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Salary Index of education officers Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Deposits as sources of fund of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in import bills and Letter of Credit (L/C) Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of 90 days of reverse repo regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest receipts Nepal Rastra Bank
Total exports to other countries, Free on Board (f.o.b.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Central government other transfer receipts Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of food and live animals to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of education at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Total claims on government enterprises Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of construction Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Value Added (GVA) of real estate, renting and business activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Exports of pashmina to other countires Nepal Rastra Bank
Total exports of manufactured goods classified mainly by materials Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in other goods Nepal Rastra Bank
Margin deposits liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Trade balance of other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of juice to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Final consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Outstanding credit of finance companies in other sectors Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of commercial banks by financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of manufacturing at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Outstanding credit of development banks in jute and hessians Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of electricty gas and water at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Quartely Gross Domestic Product seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of electricity,gas and water Nepal Rastra Bank
Amount of 14 days of reverse repo regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Fishing seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of commercial banks by individuals Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) electricty gas and water at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Total imports, Cost, Insurance, and Freight (c.i.f.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of video television and parts from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of financial intermediation at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Statistical Discrepancies as a percentage of GDP at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Outstanding credit of finance companies in other foreign bills purchased Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) by industrial divisionof mining and quarrying at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Amount in finance companies Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Interbank transactions amount among commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Final Consumption Expenditure as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Exports of animal and vegetable oil and fats to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of thread to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of cardamom to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of cosmetic goods from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption at purchasers' prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Value Added (GVA) of wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Intermediate consumption of water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Claims of government on total assets of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in cloth and yarn Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of furnishing and household equipment of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of agriculture at factor cost Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of arts, entertainment and recreation; other service activities; and Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of toys from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Government services receipts, Non-Interest Expense (n.i.e.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Nominal Percapita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Implicit Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Deflator of Primary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of health and social work Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Value Added (GVA) of transport, storage and communications at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Market capitalization Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of financial and insurance activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of mining and quarrying Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Amount of 28 days of reverse repo regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Notes and coins with Nepal Rastra Bank of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of financial intermediation Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Total liquid assets amount ratio of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of plywood and partical board from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government on total assets of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of mining and quarrying at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Manufacturing seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of 28 days of reverse repo regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Per capita income at market prices Nepal Human Development Report. (Various Years).
Exports of zinc sheet to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Money supply of total currency Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of office equipment and stationary from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Wage rate index Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Export of goods at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total investment at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Wage rate index of unskilled industrial labourer Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Consumer price index of tobacco products Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Export of machinery and transport equipment to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Net official grants transfers Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of chemicals and drugs from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of financial and insurance activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Claims of government enterprises on total assets of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Total cash in hand and balance with Nepal Rastra Bank of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Domestic fixed deposits liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Net exports of goods and services at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Tertiary sector at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of readymade garments from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Implicit GDP Deflator Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total liabilities of Nepal Rastra Bank (Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB)) Nepal Rastra Bank
Total burrowings as sources of fund of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of companies under transaction (Script Tranded) Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Secondary sector at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Other reserves capital fund as sources of fund of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of human health and social work activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Period-end exchange rate for buying Euro Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of tyre, tubes and flapes from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of investment by cash balance of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Nominal Percapita Gross National Income (GNI) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of insecticides from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in overdrafts and guarantee Nepal Rastra Bank
Monetary authority's account of total liabilities Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of fixed assets of life of insurance companies Insurance Board of Nepal.
Imports of cosmetic goods from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of housing and utilities of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
O/W Education services debit Nepal Rastra Bank
Cash in hand of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles & motorcycles seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Policy Rates by Repo Rate (Corridor) Nepal Rastra Bank
Total exports of mineral, fuels and lubricants Nepal Rastra Bank
Final consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Monetary authority's account of government currency holdings Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in export bills purchased Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of 7 days regular of repo auction Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Exports of silverware and jewelleries to other countires Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of telecommunication equipments and parts from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of finance companies by individuals Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of storage battery from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in mines sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of non-food and services Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Agriculture, forestry and fishing seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
International reserves of IMF reserve tranche position Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of crude coconut oil from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of share & other investment of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of transport, storage and communications at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Foreign bills purchased and discounted of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of fund of investment by government securities of Citizen Investment Trust Citizen Investment Trust
Annual growth rates of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Saving deposit of finance companies by financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Total capital fund as sources of fund of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Number of direct employment of cooperative institutions Cooperative Department
Gross Value Added (GVA) of manufacturing at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Other life as sources of fund of insurance companies Insurance Board of Nepal.
Number of depositors of commerical banks Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
National saving bonds of individuals Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in house and land Nepal Rastra Bank
Total public consumption at current prices Central Bureau of Statistics
Convertible foreign exchange of monetary authorities Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for selling U.A.E.Dirham Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of threads polyster from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government enterprises on financial assets of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Final private services consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of non-agriclture at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Intermediate consumption of arts, entertainment and recreation; other service activities; and Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total export at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Private sector fixed liabilities deposit of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Saving as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Saving liabilities foreign deposit of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Balances with foreign banks of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Taxes less subsidies on production at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Intermediate consumption of hotels and restaurants at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of education Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Other reserve as sources of fund of Employees Provident Fund Nepal Rastra Bank
Total imports to other countries, Free on Board (f.o.b.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Development bonds of Nepal Telecom Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of education Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Industry loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for development banks Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Imports of polyethylene terephthalate (plastic pet chips/pet resin) from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Trade credit loans of other sectors Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of wholesale and retail trade at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Exports of pulses to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Tertiary sector at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Education seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Total Gross Value Added (GVA) including Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Agriculture, forestry and fishing seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of eletricity Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Total deposit ratios of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Tertiary sector at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Balance with Nepal Rastra Bank of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Total foreign assets of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of ginger to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Amount of 10 days of reverse repo regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of milk products and eggs Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Gross output of manufacturing at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Administrative and support service activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of 28 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Private net transfers Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at basic prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Consumer price index of clothes and footware of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Period-end exchange rate for buying U.A.E.Dirham Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of mineral, fuels and lubricants from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Total claims on bank and financial institutions of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of total investment of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in local government Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of finance companies by foreign deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
Provident fund as sources of fund of Employees Provident Fund Nepal Rastra Bank
Total other liabilities of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Total loans and advances of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign securities of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Net transfer of pensions Nepal Rastra Bank
Security transaction amount Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption of education at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Borrowing from others as sources of fund of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Export of mineral, fuels and lubricants to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of net indirect taxes Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by information and communication Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Uses of investment of life of insurance companies Insurance Board of Nepal.
Consumer price index Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Outstanding credit of development banks in non-government securities Nepal Rastra Bank
Lending/Borrowing (Resource gap) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Current transfers debit Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of education at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Exports of wire to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims on government of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Other foreign employment bonds Nepal Rastra Bank
Industry loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for modern finance institute Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Agriculture GDP at factor cost at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in machinery Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of health and social work at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Mutual fund Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Tertiary sector at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Outstanding credit of finance companies in rice and paddy Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in other agricultural products Nepal Rastra Bank
Wholesale and retail trade seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Interest rate of 30 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Total reserve money of monetary authority's account Nepal Rastra Bank
Total Tax as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total use of investment of Citizen Investment Trust Citizen Investment Trust
Percapita Gross National Income (GNI) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Policy Rates by Standing Liquidity Facility (SLF) Rate Nepal Rastra Bank
Total loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund to service sector Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
National saving bonds of others Nepal Rastra Bank
Financial intermediation seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of total loans and advances of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Margin liabilities deposit of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims on government Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of raw silk from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Consumer price index of transportation of Kathmandu Valley Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Exports of tanned skin to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of sanitaryware from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output of transportation and storage at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Intermediate consumption of accommodation and food service activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of silver from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of commercial banks by individuals Nepal Rastra Bank
Intermediate consumption at purchasers' prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Mining and quarrying seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) deflator of transport, storage and communications Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Total consumption Central Bureau of Statistics
Uses of loans and advances by private sector of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of education at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Transportation and storage seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
National consumer price index of non-food and services Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2014/15 = 100)
Total liabilities of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of manufacturing Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of radio, tv, deck and parts from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Financial intermediation seasonally adjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross output by industrial divisionof mining and quarrying at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Implicit Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Deflator of Tertiary sector Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Product Tax as a percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Trade credits of currency and deposits by deposit money banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Margin deposit ratios of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign other liabilities of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of ginger from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of real estate activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Capital and other items net Nepal Rastra Bank
Health and social work seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Information and communication seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of coldrolled sheet in coil from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Currency in circulation of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government on development bonds of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Real estate activities seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Mining and quarrying seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of plastic utensils from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in metal productions,machinery & electrical tools & fitting sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign currency in hand of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Final private consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Claims on non-government financial institutions of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of electrical goods from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Net imports of goods at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Total of capital account, current account and financial account Nepal Rastra Bank
Uses of cash & bank balance of life of insurance companies Insurance Board of Nepal.
Other loans and advances of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Export of goods, Free on Board (f.o.b.) Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of machinery and transport equipment from India Nepal Rastra Bank
SDRS (special drawing rights) monetary authority's account Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product Nepal Human Development Report. (Various Years).
Total exports of crude materials inedibles except fuels Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by public administration and defence; compulsory social security Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Weighted average interbank rate among commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of professional, scientific and technical activities at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
General reserve capital fund as sources of fund of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Savings deposit ratios of finance companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross National Income (GNI) at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Saving deposit of development banks by foreign deposits Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of computer and parts from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of finance companies in import bills and Letter of Credit (L/C) Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of community and social services Nepal Rastra Bank
Composition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by human health and social work activities Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Claims of government on treasury bills of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Import of goods at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Paid-up capital fund as sources of fund of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of cottage industries at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Agriculture loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for commercial banks Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Notes and coins with Nepal Rastra Bank of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Wage rate index of unskilled construction labourer Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2004/05 = 100)
Exports of herbs to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign notes and coins of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of tooth paste to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for buying Hong Kong Dollar Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit ratios of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Total assets of monetary authority's account Nepal Rastra Bank
Annual growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of manufacturing at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Total assets of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Agriculture loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for development banks Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Imports of tobacco and beverage from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Total liquid assets deposits ratio of commercial banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of development banks in wholesaler & retailers sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Other liabilities as sources of fund of Citizen Investment Trust Citizen Investment Trust
Final private consumption expenditure at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Amount of 30 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Outstanding credit of commercial banks in metal productions,machinery & electrical tools & fitting sector Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of rice from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of woolen carpet to China Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of paper from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Net services Nepal Rastra Bank
Domestic saving deposits liabilities of Other Depository Corporation Survey Nepal Rastra Bank
Total seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Change in stock of produced and semi produced goods at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Other community, social and personal service activities seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Margin liabilities deposit of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Weighted Average Lending Rate Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of smart cards from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for buying S. Korean Won/100 Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of manufacturing at constant prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Borrowing from Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) as sources of fund of microfinance financial institutions Nepal Rastra Bank
Amount of Standing Liquidity Facility (SLF) Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of watches & bands from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Value Added (GVA) of human health and social work activities at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Arts, entertainment and recreation; Other service activities; and Activities of households as employers seasonally unadjusted quartely GDP growth rate at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Service loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund for finance companies Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Imports of storage battery from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Fixed deposit of finance companies by total Nepal Rastra Bank
Percent of transaction in market capitalization value Nepal Rastra Bank
Portfolio investment Nepal Rastra Bank
Payments of freight on merchandise Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Exports of rudrakshya to China Nepal Rastra Bank
National wholesale price index of machinery and equipment Nepal Rastra Bank (Base Year : 2017/18 = 100)
Total outstanding credit of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Total cash reserve deposits ratio of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of medicine from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of finance companies by non-profit organizations Nepal Rastra Bank
Current deposit of commercial banks by government corporations and companies Nepal Rastra Bank
Saving deposit of development banks by town, district and village development committees Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of cuminseed from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Auction amount offered for renewal Nepal Rastra Bank
Professional, scientific and technical activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Percapita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Total other liabilities of commerical banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Total amount in all institutions Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Imports of telecommunication equipments and parts from other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of particle board to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of thread from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Amount of 60 days of deposit auction regular Nepal Rastra Bank
Financial and insurance activities seasonally adjusted quartely GDP at basic price Nepal Rastra Bank
Foreign exchange sell Nepal Rastra Bank
Final consumption expenditure at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2010/11
Imports of other stationaries from China Nepal Rastra Bank
Total claims on government of monetary authority's account Nepal Rastra Bank
Percapita Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI) Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Imports of books and magazines from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Total loans guaranteed by Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund to other sectors Deposit and Credit Guarantee Fund
Official capital amortization Nepal Rastra Bank
Claims of government on development bonds of development banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Imports of other machinery and parts from India Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of miscellaneous manufactured articles to other countries Nepal Rastra Bank
Other gold assets of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) Nepal Rastra Bank
Types of share transaction (Script Traded) Nepal Rastra Bank
Official Miscellaneous net capital items Nepal Rastra Bank
Reserve assets deposit money banks Nepal Rastra Bank
Period-end exchange rate for buying M.Ringit Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of community & social services by individual services at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of mining and quarrying Nepal Rastra Bank
Monetary authority's account of deposits of Other Depository Corporation (ODCs) Nepal Rastra Bank
Exports of fruits to India Nepal Rastra Bank
Merchandise export receipts Nepal Rastra Bank
Gross Capital Formation at current prices Nepal Rastra Bank base year 2000/01
Net issue of coins (including subsidiary coins) outside Nepal Rastra Bank Nepal Rastra Bank

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