
Doing Economics

May 24, 2018

Doing Economics is a unique, freely available, resource for learning a valuable array of data-handling, software and statistical skills that will be transferable to other courses and to the workplace.

It is keyed primarily to both Economy, Society and Public Policy and The Economy but it can be used alongside other courses or for self-study. Find out more by reading the preface to Doing Economics.

The Beta version of the first five Doing Economics projects – including measuring climate change, analysing the effect of a tax on sugary beverages, and working with different measures of well-being – is now available. A further seven projects will be added in June/July 2018.

Doing Economics is part of the Economics as a Quantitative Social Science (EQuSS) project, funded by the Nuffield Foundation. To sign up for the CORE EQuSS newsletter, email

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